Thursday, December 06, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Since its been over a month since my last post, I figured I better say Merry Christmas now. Just in case I don't poast again until January!
We had a nice Thanksgiving, small but nice. Joe worked all day. Jonas and I went to my parents house. Mom made a full size traditional feast and it was some of the best Thanksgiving food I can remember. She tried some new receipes this year that were fantastic! Around 5 that day Jonas and I went to Aunt Jessica's where the Barker feast was prepared. Jonas ate his Thanksgiving dinner there and loved it!
Andrea and her family will be arriving here Christmas Day. We can't wait! We will be doing the Barker Christmas on Christmas morning as soon as Joe gets done working the Christmas Eve shift. Thankfully he has Christmas day off, but will need to catch up on sleep some part of that day. We will have Christmas dinner at my mom's house later in the day.
Here are some recent pictures of Jonas in his new Winter outfit. We hope you have a Merry Merry Christmas!


Blogger Hammond Family said...

So cute and stylish!!

3:31 PM  

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