A weekend of gifts and reminders...
Here is a sweet hello from Jonas! :-)
Ok, I will attempt to play catch up today! I've been very busy lately and haven't had time to blog. :-)
I am 33 1/2 weeks along with Miss Ivy's pregnancy. I had to pinch myself today! I can't believe we are this far along. What is even scarier is I went into labor and had Jonas at 34 weeks. Its approaching so fast and I will be packing bags next week. There is no reason to believe I will go early again but you know...knock on wood! I'd like to be a little more prepared this time. :-)
It just hit me again today that I really am pregnant and going to have another baby! Silly I know, but sometimes its just a slap in the face! The reality of two is starting to set in as I see and talk with many friends who have multiple children. My biggest fear is scheduling. I still work part time from home and need to be on a schedule. I'm that type of person anyway, even if I didn't work. To make things crazier in our household, Joe's schedule changes every 35 days. It is both mine and Joe's desire that I continue to work 2-3 hours a day. Its still been easy and maintainable as Jonas takes around a 3 hr afternoon nap. I just wonder how much Ivy will like to sleep. I've had it easy with Jonas. He has ALWAYS loved his sleep and been a wonderful napper and night time sleeper. I suppose if Ivy sleeps 1/2 as good as Jonas I can still get those work hours in. I'm just nervous!
My dear friends and family gave me a baby shower on Saturday for Ivy. My mom hosted it at her house while my creative friends put all the details together. (I will post pictures later) It was beautiful and very sentimental. Here is a picture of one of my favorite gifts. Mrs. Jones, who is like a second mom to me since 7th grade, free-hand embroidered this onesie for me. I think its just beautiful. I love personalized/monogrammed items. I will be sad when Ivy outgrows this one. It might have to go in a shadow box later. :-)
Joe also allowed me to sleep yesterday between church services for almost 3 hours. He got Jonas' lunch together and was willing to take care of Jonas when he woke up from his nap. I needed that rest so badly I can't even begin to explain. I've lost a lot of sleep lately. I battle with acid reflux all day and have to be very careful what and when I eat so I can have decent rest. It doesn't always work. I have also had episodes of insomnia with this pregnancy. I look forward to both of those things going away when Ivy comes. Yes, I know those first 6 weeks will be killer with the night time feedings etc...but at least I wont be in pain with the reflux and I'm pretty sure the insomnia will go away. The interruptions will just be different. :-)
Well, I hope to get Jonas' dresser moved into his room in about 2 days. Its still in the garage and I obviously can't help Joe bring it in. I am eager to share the before and after pictures! Its been a project that lasted longer than I had hoped. But for all of you out there who thought I was over doing it etc...you can now rest assured I paced myself, much much slower than I had planned! :-)
Love the little Ivy onesie!! So precious. Loving her name more and more each time I hear it! I can't believe either that you're 33 1/2 weeks! Not much longer and the sweet little one will be here! Praying for you that all will go as planned.
Ok, first, Jonas is a little heartbreaker! That smile and those eyes are to die for!
Second, I totally forgot about your shower. Oh my goodness, I have such mush for brains during this pregnancy it's awful! I remembered to get you a gift, just forgot to take it to the shower...sheesh.
Third, I'm going to call/email you with an idea to help with the acid reflux. That stuff is painful.
I just loved this post. The pic of Jonas is too cute! Not being at your shower was so hard, but reading about it and seeing pics is really nice. Thanks for your transparency about balancing all the responsibilities you have. People are more important than things. Tell Joe "Way to go!!!" :-) How special to have those extras taken care of when you don't feel so well. I'm praying for you.
I love the onsie, those that does have to be saved.
Jonas is such a cutie, I love his smile and his eyes. Tucker loves to sleep as well and I am not sure what I will do when he grows out of that.
What pretty eyes Jonas has!
I can't believe how far along you are now! Ivy will be here before you know it.
Sounds like Joe really pampered you over the weekend - how wonderful!
The onesie is so beautiful. What a thoughtful gift.
Kudos to your husband for treating you like a princess. I don't know if it's the same for you but when Michael does domestic duties, it energizes me:).
I've been praying for you and will add pray for the acid reflux to go away. You are getting close to the finish line!
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